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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 13.3 KB | 497 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit OOStaticEdit;
- { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 }
- interface
- type
- TEStaticObject = object
- window: dialogPtr;
- titem: integer;
- vcontrol, hcontrol: controlHandle;
- te: TEHandle;
- titemr: rect;
- hasgrow, drawgrow: boolean; { hasgrow -> leave room for grow icon, drawgrow -> draw it during updates }
- doubleClickTime, tripleClickTime: longInt;
- procedure Create (dlg: dialogPtr; item, width: integer; vscroll, hscroll, hasgrowb, drawgrowb: boolean);
- procedure Destroy;
- procedure Adjust;
- procedure Resize;
- procedure Draw;
- function EditMenuEnabled: boolean;
- procedure SetEditMenuItem (item: integer);
- procedure DoEditMenu (item: integer);
- procedure DoItemWhere (er: eventRecord; item: integer);
- procedure DoIdle;
- procedure DoKey (modifiers: integer; ch: char);
- procedure DoActivateDeactivate (activate: boolean);
- procedure ClickLoop;
- procedure Click (pt: point; extend: boolean);
- function WordBreak (text: ptr; pos: integer; forward: boolean): boolean;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- OOMainLoop, BaseGlobals, MyTypes, MyUtils, MyUtilities;
- var
- teo: TEStaticObject;
- teOriginalClickLoop: procPtr;
- procedure CallCL (addr: procPtr);
- inline
- $205F, $4E90;
- procedure SetD0to1;
- inline
- $7001;
- function GetD2: longInt;
- inline
- $2F42, $0000;
- procedure Unlink;
- inline
- $4E5E;
- procedure Link;
- inline
- $4E56, $0000;
- {$PUSH}
- {$D-}
- { Turn debug off, lest our qute little SetD0to1 hack gets crunged by TP }
- procedure CallClickLoop; { There must be a better way to sort out this crap! }
- begin
- Unlink; { This is a rediculous hack! }
- CallCL(teOriginalClickLoop);
- Link;
- teo.ClickLoop;
- SetD0to1;
- end;
- function CallWordBreak (text: ptr; pos: integer): boolean;
- var
- d2: longInt;
- begin
- d2 := GetD2;
- CallWordBreak := teo.WordBreak(text, pos, BAND(d2, $00020000) = 0);
- end;
- {$POP}
- function FindEOL (te: TEHandle; loc: integer): integer;
- begin
- while (loc < te^^.teLength) and (ptr(longInt(te^^.hText^) + loc)^ <> 13) do
- loc := loc + 1;
- FindEOL := loc;
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.Click (pt: point; extend: boolean);
- var
- tc, dct: longInt;
- doubleclick, tripleclick: boolean;
- teOriginalWordBreak: procPtr;
- eol: integer;
- begin
- SetPort(window);
- tc := TickCount;
- doubleclick := tc < doubleClickTime;
- tripleclick := tc < tripleClickTime;
- teo := self;
- teOriginalClickLoop := te^^.clikLoop;
- te^^.clikLoop := @CallClickLoop;
- teOriginalWordBreak := te^^.wordBreak;
- if tripleclick then
- SetWordBreak(@CallWordBreak, te);
- if extend and tripleclick then begin{ we must fake text edit into not shrinking the selection somehow }
- eol := FindEOL(te, te^^.selStart); { if start<=clickloc<=EOL(start)<selEnd }
- if (te^^.selStart <= te^^.clickloc) and (te^^.clickloc <= eol) and (eol < te^^.selEnd) then
- TESetSelect(te^^.clickloc, te^^.selEnd, te);
- end;
- TEClick(pt, extend, te);
- tc := TickCount;
- dct := GetDblTime;
- doubleClickTime := tc + dct;
- if doubleclick then
- tripleClickTime := tc + dct;
- te^^.clikLoop := teOriginalClickLoop;
- te^^.wordBreak := teOriginalWordBreak;
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.Create (dlg: dialogPtr; item, width: integer; vscroll, hscroll, hasgrowb, drawgrowb: boolean);
- var
- dr, vr: rect;
- k: integer;
- h: handle;
- begin
- doubleClickTime := -1;
- tripleClickTime := -1;
- SetPort(dlg);
- window := dlg;
- titem := item;
- hasgrow := hasgrowb;
- drawgrow := drawgrowb;
- if vscroll then begin
- SetRect(dr, 0, 0, 16, 100);
- vcontrol := NewControl(window, dr, '', true, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0);
- end
- else
- vcontrol := nil;
- if hscroll then begin
- SetRect(dr, 0, 0, 100, 16);
- hcontrol := NewControl(window, dr, '', true, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0);
- end
- else
- hcontrol := nil;
- GetDItem(dlg, titem, k, h, dr);
- titemr := dr;
- EraseRect(dr);
- vr := dr;
- dr.right := dr.left + width;
- te := TENew(dr, vr);
- TEAutoView(true, te);
- Resize;
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.Destroy;
- begin
- TEDispose(te);
- dispose(self);
- end;
- procedure AdjustTE (te: TEHandle; hc, vc: integer);
- {Scroll the TERec around to match up to the potentially updated scrollbar}
- {values. This is really useful when the window resizes such that the}
- {scrollbars become inactive and the TERec had been previously scrolled.}
- var
- value: INTEGER;
- begin
- with te^^ do
- TEScroll((viewRect.left - destRect.left) - hc, (viewRect.top - destRect.top) - (vc * lineHeight), te);
- end; {AdjustTE}
- function AdjustHV (isVert: BOOLEAN; control: ControlHandle; te: TEHandle; canRedraw: BOOLEAN): integer;
- {Calculate the new control maximum value and current value, whether it is the horizontal or}
- {vertical scrollbar. The vertical max is calculated by comparing the number of lines to the}
- {vertical size of the viewRect. The horizontal max is calculated by comparing the maximum document}
- {width to the width of the viewRect. The current values are set by comparing the offset between}
- {the view and destination rects. If necessary and we canRedraw, have the control be re-drawn by}
- {calling ShowControl.}
- var
- value, lines, max: INTEGER;
- oldValue, oldMax: INTEGER;
- begin
- oldValue := GetCtlValue(control);
- oldMax := GetCtlMax(control);
- with te^^ do begin
- if isVert then begin
- lines := nLines;
- {since nLines isn’t right if the last character is a return, check for that case}
- if Ptr(ORD(hText^) + teLength - 1)^ = 13 then
- lines := lines + 1;
- max := lines - ((viewRect.bottom - viewRect.top) div lineHeight);
- end
- else
- max := destRect.right - destRect.left - (viewRect.right - viewRect.left);
- if max < 0 then
- max := 0; {check for negative values}
- if isVert then
- value := (viewRect.top - destRect.top) div lineHeight
- else
- value := viewRect.left - destRect.left;
- if value < 0 then
- value := 0
- else if value > max then
- value := max; {pin the value to within range}
- end;
- SetCtlMax(control, max);
- SetCtlValue(control, value);
- if canRedraw and ((max <> oldMax) or (value <> oldValue)) then
- ShowControl(control); {check to see if the control can be re-drawn}
- AdjustHV := value;
- end; {AdjustHV}
- procedure TEStaticObject.Adjust;
- var
- hc, vc: integer;
- begin
- vc := AdjustHV(true, vcontrol, te, false);
- hc := AdjustHV(false, hcontrol, te, false);
- AdjustTE(te, hc, vc);
- end; {AdjustScrollValues}
- procedure TEStaticObject.Resize;
- const
- invis = 0;
- vis = 255;
- inset = 3;
- var
- dr, vr, r, tr: rect;
- pt: point;
- k: integer;
- h: handle;
- wd, ht: integer;
- hc, vc: integer;
- begin
- SetPort(window);
- EraseRect(titemr);
- GetDItem(window, titem, k, h, tr);
- titemr := tr;
- InvalRect(tr);
- vr := tr;
- InsetRect(vr, inset, inset);
- if hcontrol <> nil then
- vr.bottom := vr.bottom - 15;
- if vcontrol <> nil then
- vr.right := vr.right - 15;
- vr.bottom := vr.top + (vr.bottom - vr.top) div te^^.lineHeight * te^^.lineHeight;
- pt := vr.topleft;
- SubPt(te^^.viewRect.topleft, pt);
- OffsetRect(te^^.destRect, pt.h, pt.v);
- te^^.viewRect := vr;
- if vcontrol <> nil then begin
- vcontrol^^.contrlVis := invis;
- MoveControl(vcontrol, tr.right - 16, tr.top);
- ht := tr.bottom - tr.top;
- if hasgrow then
- ht := ht - 15;
- SizeControl(vcontrol, 16, ht);
- vc := AdjustHV(true, vcontrol, te, false);
- vcontrol^^.contrlVis := vis;
- end;
- if hcontrol <> nil then begin
- hcontrol^^.contrlVis := invis;
- MoveControl(hcontrol, tr.left, tr.bottom - 16);
- ht := tr.right - tr.left;
- if hasgrow or (vcontrol <> nil) then
- ht := ht - 15;
- SizeControl(hcontrol, ht, 16);
- hc := AdjustHV(false, hcontrol, te, false);
- hcontrol^^.contrlVis := vis;
- end;
- AdjustTE(te, hc, vc);
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.Draw;
- var
- r: rect;
- pt: point;
- k: integer;
- h: handle;
- begin
- GetDItem(window, titem, k, h, r);
- EraseRect(r);
- if drawgrow then begin
- DrawGrowIcon(window);
- end;
- if vcontrol <> nil then begin
- Draw1Control(vcontrol);
- end;
- if hcontrol <> nil then begin
- Draw1Control(hcontrol);
- end;
- EraseRect(te^^.viewRect);
- TEUpdate(te^^.viewRect, te);
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.DoActivateDeactivate (activate: boolean);
- begin
- if drawgrow then
- DrawGrowIcon(window);
- if activate then
- TEActivate(te)
- else
- TEDeactivate(te);
- end;
- { Common algorithm for pinning the value of a control. It returns the actual amount }
- { the value of the control changed. }
- procedure CommonAction (control: ControlHandle; var amount: integer);
- var
- value, max: integer;
- begin
- value := GetCtlValue(control);
- max := GetCtlMax(control);
- amount := value - amount;
- if (amount <= 0) then
- amount := 0
- else if (amount >= max) then
- amount := max;
- SetCtlValue(control, amount);
- amount := value - amount; { calculate true change }
- end; { CommonAction }
- var
- actionTE: TEHandle;
- { Determines how much to change the value of the vertical scrollbar by and how }
- { much to scroll the TE record.}
- procedure VActionProc (control: ControlHandle; part: integer);
- var
- amount: integer;
- window: WindowPtr;
- begin
- if (part <> 0) then begin
- window := control^^.contrlOwner;
- case part of
- inUpButton, inDownButton: { one line }
- amount := 1;
- inPageUp, inPageDown: { one page }
- with actionTE^^, viewRect do
- amount := (bottom - top) div lineHeight;
- end;
- if ((part = inDownButton) or (part = inPageDown)) then
- amount := -amount; { reverse direction for a downer }
- CommonAction(control, amount);
- if (amount <> 0) then
- TEScroll(0, amount * actionTE^^.lineHeight, actionTE);
- end;
- end; { VActionProc }
- { Determines how much to change the value of the horizontal scrollbar by and how }
- { much to scroll the TE record. }
- procedure HActionProc (control: ControlHandle; part: integer);
- var
- amount: integer;
- window: WindowPtr;
- begin
- if (part <> 0) then begin
- window := control^^.contrlOwner;
- case part of
- inUpButton, inDownButton: { a few pixels }
- amount := 8;
- inPageUp, inPageDown: { a page width }
- with actionTE^^.viewRect do
- amount := (right - left);
- end;
- if ((part = inDownButton) or (part = inPageDown)) then
- amount := -amount; { reverse direction }
- CommonAction(control, amount);
- if (amount <> 0) then
- TEScroll(amount, 0, actionTE);
- end;
- end; { HActionProc }
- { Gets called from CallClickLoop which in turn }
- { is called by the TEClick toolbox routine. Saves the window's clip region, }
- { sets it to the portRect, adjusts the scrollbar values to match the TE scroll }
- { amount, then restores the clip region. }
- procedure TEStaticObject.ClickLoop;
- var
- region: RgnHandle;
- vc, hc: integer;
- begin
- SetPort(window);
- region := NewRgn;
- GetClip(region); { save the old clip }
- ClipRect(window^.portRect); { set the new clip }
- vc := AdjustHV(true, vcontrol, te, false);
- hc := AdjustHV(false, hcontrol, te, false);
- SetClip(region); { restore the old clip }
- DisposeRgn(region);
- end; { PascalClikLoop }
- function TEStaticObject.WordBreak (text: ptr; pos: integer; forward: boolean): boolean;
- begin
- if forward then
- WordBreak := (pos > 0) and (ptr(longInt(text) + pos - 1)^ = 13)
- else
- WordBreak := ptr(longInt(text) + pos)^ = 13
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.DoItemWhere (er: eventRecord; item: integer);
- var
- control: controlHandle;
- value, part: integer;
- begin
- SetPort(window);
- GlobalToLocal(er.where);
- part := FindControl(er.where, window, control);
- if part = 0 then begin
- if PtInRect(er.where, te^^.viewRect) then
- Click(er.where, BAND(er.modifiers, shiftKey) <> 0)
- end
- else begin
- if part = inThumb then begin
- value := GetCtlValue(control);
- part := TrackControl(control, er.where, nil);
- if part <> 0 then begin
- value := value - GetCtlValue(control);
- if value <> 0 then
- if control = vcontrol then
- TEScroll(0, value * te^^.lineHeight, te)
- else
- TEScroll(value, 0, te);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- actionTE := te;
- if control = vcontrol then
- value := TrackControl(control, er.where, @VActionProc)
- else
- value := TrackControl(control, er.where, @HActionProc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TEStaticObject.EditMenuEnabled: boolean;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i := EMundo to EMselectall do
- if i <> EMundo + 1 then
- SetEditMenuItem(i);
- EditMenuEnabled := (te^^.selStart < te^^.selEnd) or (te^^.teLength > 0);
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.SetEditMenuItem (item: integer);
- begin
- case item of
- EMundo, EMcut, EMpaste, EMclear: { Can't undo, cut, copy, paste in a static edit thingy }
- SetIDItemEnable(M_Edit, item, false);
- EMcopy:
- SetIDItemEnable(M_Edit, item, te^^.selStart < te^^.selEnd); { Can copy iff there is a selection }
- EMselectall:
- SetIDItemEnable(M_Edit, item, te^^.teLength > 0); { Can select all iff there is something to select }
- otherwise
- end;
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.DoEditMenu (item: integer);
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- loe: longInt;
- begin
- case item of
- EMcopy: begin
- TECopy(te);
- loe := ZeroScrap;
- oe := TEToScrap;
- end;
- EMselectall: begin
- SetPort(window);
- TESetSelect(0, maxLongInt, te);
- end;
- otherwise
- end;
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.DoIdle;
- begin
- TEIdle(te);
- end;
- procedure TEStaticObject.DoKey (modifiers: integer; ch: char);
- begin
- if BAND(modifiers, cmdKey) = 0 then
- TEKey(ch, te);
- Adjust;
- end;
- end.